Monday, April 29, 2013


A few months ago I told my wife Sara that the Lord was showing me we were in “transition;" not in the sense of moving from on thing to another, but in the sense of a birthing process.   

There are three stages of labor in the birthing process:  Early, Active, and Transition.  I will spare you the details in this post, but "transition" is the final stage before the baby is born.  Here is an excerpt from an article describing the process:

“Transitional Labor:  The last of the three stages of labor, this is a physically demanding and draining time and you may feel exhausted, frustrated, impatient, and overwhelmed.  Hang in there, though — soon, you and your newborn will be meeting face to face.”

Many times when the Lord is birthing something through us, we reach the point where everything seems wrong.  Life can be very uncomfortable in this season.  The only comfort is found in the revelation that God is actually about to bring forth new life.  By His great grace this season is not prolonged; what is happening in those critical moments has a very specific purpose.  Things are shifting and the way is being opened for what the Lord desires to bring forth.

In passionate pursuit,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bring out your dead!

I am a new creation; old things have passed away and all things have been made new.  My old sinful, broken nature has been crucified with Christ.  Quite simply, I am not the person that I once was.  

So why, in the midst of life's trials and everyday circumstances do I still find myself reacting in anger, frustration, jealousy, bitterness, or discouragement?  Aren't those the thought patterns, attitudes, and behaviors of a "dead man?" 

This little video clip is a good reminder of how we need to recognize the dead things in our life a get rid of them on a daily basis (even when they try to convince us that they are very much alive).  

Take a moment to read Colossians 3:1-17.  Notice Paul's instructions about what to "put off" (v. 8) and what to "put on" (v.12). 

This is life in Christ.  Bring out your dead!

In passionate pursuit,

Thursday, April 4, 2013

God's Book (Psalm 139)

My friend,

The days of your life were written in God's Book long before you were ever formed in your mother's womb.  Your story is one of eternal hope.  Your life tells of God's perfect redemption in the midst of a world that has been temporarily subjected to futility and brokenness.  His loving thoughts toward you are greater in number than the grains of sand on the seashore.  Right now, as you receive His love and recognize that your days are written in His book, He is revealing how every experience, circumstance, trial, suffering, victory, and blessing contribute to this beautiful story of love and redemption.  

The Living God has been pursuing you all your life.  There is nowhere that you can run to hide from His Presence.  There is no depth to which you can sink that will carry you beyond the reach of His strong arm.  There is no hour of night dark enough to conceal you from His loving gaze. 

Don't allow temporary pain to keep you from experiencing eternal joy and peace.  

Look away... 
Look away from your pain.
Look away from your brokenness.
Look away from your current circumstances.

Look to Jesus who is the "author and finisher of your faith."  The good news is that the Lord who gave His life for you, is the same One who has written your story in His Book.  He is ever faithful to finish that which He began.  

Be assured, the end of your story is a good one! 

In passionate pursuit,